June 2022 Newsletter (Page 2)

June 2022 Newsletter (Page 2)

The Yard Sale was a Big Success

On May 7th, from 8am – 1pm Saint John was finally able to hold it’s “annual” yard sale, which is something we haven’t been able to do since the pandemic. When I first arrived at Saint John, I kept hearing about this yard sale event and Margaret Kneece kept telling me that it’s hard to imagine unless I experienced it for myself. Well, she was right — I was amazed at all the work and fellowship that was involved and I saw things go from “oh my gosh – look at everything” to being completely organized. Being a pastor, the thing that I loved seeing the most was the fellowship among all who were involved from beginning to end. Indeed, it was a wonderful event that raised $5231.89. 

Here is a quick video of the event from prep to finish: