Thursday August 29th Announcements

Thursday August 29th Announcements

Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week.

Happening This Week

Monday, September 2 Labor Day, Office Closed
Wednesday, September 4 7:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, September 5 9:30 AM, Gather to put the BPW Bldg back together


Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John Methodist Church Facebook page as well as the website,


Third Tuesday of Each Month Ladies Meeting, Ed. Bldg.,11:00 AM
Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at 10:00 AM
Wednesdays Choir Practice, 7:00 PM
Sunday, September 8 5-6:30 PM, Youth (UMYF) will meet in the Darby Bldg. Children’s Church Bible Study
Fall Lay Servant Ministry School, 2-7:00 PM, Central UMC, Newberry, SC
Tuesday, September 10 12:00 Noon, St. John Seniors, BPW Bldg, Covered Dish
Sunday, September 15 Fall Lay Servant Ministry School, 2-7:00 PM Central UMC, Newberry, SC
Saturday, September 21 10:00 – 4:00 PM, Craft Show, There will be food and ice cream vendors, baked goods and lots of crafts. Invite friends, family, and neighbors. Come and support the youth.
Saturday, September 28 11:00 AM, Installation and Welcoming Service for Bishop Leonard Fairley, Mt. Hebron UMC, 3050 Leaphart Rd. in West Columbia, SC. See insert for directions.
Sunday, October 6 BPW Roof Fundraiser

Sunday, September 8
A Bible study for the children during Children’s Church will begin.
The Youth will meet from 5:00 – 6:30 PM, in the Darby Bldg.