October Newsletter 2024 (Page 5)

October Newsletter 2024 (Page 5)


First Sunday of Each Month Youth Meets, Darby Bldg., 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Third Tuesday of Each Month Ladies Meeting, Ed. Bldg., 11:00 AM
Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at 10:00 AM
Wednesdays 7:00 PM, Choir Practice

Wednesday, October 2 6:00 PM, Administrative Council Meeting, Educational Building
7:00 PM, Choir Practice
Sunday, October 6 BPW Roof Fundraiser after the morning worship service, donations accepted at the door
Following the worship service there will be a short congregational
meeting for update on the status of the discernment process
Tuesday, October 8 12:00 Noon, St. John Seniors, BPW Building, Covered Dish
“Pot Luck” Lunch
Sunday, October 13 Pastor Appreciation Day
Tuesday, October 15 11:00 AM, Ladies Meeting, Educational Bldg.
Sunday, October 27 5:00 PM, Fall Festival
Sunday, November 3 Daylight Savings Time Ends
All Saints Sunday