Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week.
Happening This Week
Tuesday, December 10 12:00 Noon, St. John Seniors, BPW Bldg.
Wednesday, December 11 6:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal
Friday, December 13 Dusk or 5:30 PM Lighting of luminaries at Graniteville Cemetery. Candles and bags will be furnished at the gate or you may bring your own. If it rains, it will be on the 14th.
Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John Methodist Church Facebook page as well as the website,
Mark Your Calendar
Third Wednesday Ladies Meeting will meet at 10:00 AM, beginning in January
Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at 10:00 AM
Wednesdays Choir Practice, 6:00 PM
Each Sunday 9:45 AM, Adult Sunday School, Educational Bldg.
Sunday, December 15 11:00 AM, Adult Cantata, Sanctuary
6:00 PM, Children’s Christmas Program, BPW Building
Bring heavy hor’dourves & desserts to BPW Bldg., drinks provided
Tuesday, December 24 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Service, St. John UMC
Sunday afternoon, January 12, 2025, from 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm. The location
will be Central United Methodist Church in Newberry. All Church Council
members and committee chairs should attend this important training
session. There will be several workshops to include SPRC, Lay Leaders,
Church Finance, Trustees, and a new workshop lead by Rev. Cameron Levi
who will present a workshop on Alternative Structure for small churches.
Adult Sunday School Class
The Adult Sunday School class meets each Sunday at 9:45
AM in the Educational Building. Come and join us for Bible Study.
Friday, December 13
Dusk or 5:30 PM Lighting of luminaries at Graniteville
Cemetery. Candles and bags will be furnished at the gate or
you may bring your own. If it rains, it will be on the 14th.
Items Missing
Several items have been removed from the kitchen in
the BP Building! If you have borrowed any items please
let me know or return items as soon as possible as we
look forward to planning events!
If anyone is interested in heading up
the yard sale in 2025 please contact
Margaret Kneece (803-663-7868) or
Pastor John (803-729-9627).