Posts from 2024 (Page 2)
Thursday October 31st Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Ladies Meeting will not be meeting the third Tuesday of November andDecember. Will resume in January on the third Wednesday at 10:00 AM.More information will be given in the January bulletins.Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at 10:00 AMWednesdays Choir Practice, 6:00 PM Sunday, November 3 3:00 PM, Discernment Update, Sanctuary, See insert.Monday, November 11 Veterans DayTuesday, November 12 12:00 Noon, St. John Seniors,…
November 2024 Newsletter
St. John UMC Revelations Volume XX Issue XI | November 2024 How often do we see people unashamedly say blessings in public before a meal? We should praise God every time we see that. Unfortunately, not everyone is thankful for God’s providence. Many take it for granted. The story is told a farmer who publicly prayed before his meal.“A farmer visited a large city. In a restaurant before eating, the man bowed his head in a prayer of thanksgiving. Seeing…
Thursday October 24th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Happening This Week Sunday, October 27 5:00 PM Fall FestivalWednesday, October 30 6:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal (Note, new time for choir practice, no longer 7:00 PM.) Reminder Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John MethodistChurch Facebook page as well as the website, MARK YOUR CALENDAR Ladies Meeting will not be meeting the third Tuesday of November and December. Will resume in January on the…
Thursday October 17th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Happening This Week Wednesday, October 23 6:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal(Note, new time for choir practice, no longer 7:00 PM) Reminder Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John MethodistChurch Facebook page as well as the website, StJohnGraniteville. Mark Your Calendar Ladies Meeting will not be meeting the third Tuesday of November and December. Will resume in January on the third Wednesday at 10:00 AM. More information…
Discernment Update
As you may be aware, our church council voted to enter into discernment to determine if St. John would like to separate from the United Methodist Church. Many United Methodist Church (UMC) congregations throughout the United States have chosen to disaffiliate from the UMC starting in 2020. In our state of South Carolina, there were over 200 churches that voted to separate due to major differences between traditional and the current progressive Christianity of the UMC. In July of this year the Trustees of…
Thursday October 10th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Happening This Week Wednesday, October 16 7:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal Reminder Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John Methodist Church Facebook page as well as the website, StJohnGraniteville MARK YOUR CALENDAR Third Tuesday of Each Month Ladies Meeting, Ed. Bldg., 11:00 AMFourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at 10:00 AMWednesdays Choir Practice, 7:00 PM Tuesday, October 15 11:00 AM, Ladies Meeting, Educational…
Thursday September 26th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Happening This Week Wednesday, October 2 6:00 PM Administrative Council Meeting, Educational Bldg.7:00 PM, Choir RehearsalSunday, October 6 Following church service, a short congregational meeting for update on status of discernment and BPW Roof Fundraiser, BPW Bldg., donations accepted at the door Reminder Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John MethodistChurch Facebook page as well as the website, StJohnGraniteville. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Third Tuesday of…
October 2024 Newsletter
I just recently ran across a very profound proverb. It goes like this: “If we do not change our direction we are likely to end up where we are headed.” That proverb got me to thinking. What if Martin Luther had not changed where he was heading as a catholic monk—appalled at the corruption of the selling of indulgences? What if John Wesley had not changed his direction to reach out to the poor and less fortunate people that the Church…
Thursday September 19th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Happening This Week Wednesday, September 25 7:00 PM, Choir RehearsalSaturday, September 28 11:00 AM, Installation and Welcoming Service for Bishop Leonard Fairley, Mt. Hebron UMC (See insert) Reminder Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John Methodist Church Facebook Page as well as the website, Saint John UMC Mark Your Calendar Third Tuesday of Each Month Ladies Meeting, Educational Bldg.,11:00 AMFourth Monday of Each Month Cereus…
Thursday September 5th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Happening This Week Sunday, September 8 5-6:30 PM, Youth (UMYF) will meet in the Darby Bldg., Children’s Church Bible StudyFall Lay Servant Ministry School, 2- 7:00 PM, Central UMC, Newberry, SCTuesday, September 10 12:00 Noon, St. John Seniors, BPW Bldg., Covered DishWednesday, September 11 7:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal Reminder Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John Methodist Church Facebook page as well as the website,…
September 2024 Newsletter
EDIFICATION VERSUS ENTERTAINMENT St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.) once wrote about a common thread that seems to exist in all of us. That thread is the desire to be entertained. In his book Confessions, he mentioned that he was attracted to the theatre because of the way that it would make him feel moved emotionally. He saw in himself and in others the way that an author would command sympathy from an audience. The audience was called on by the author not…
Thursday August 29th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Happening This Week Monday, September 2 Labor Day, Office ClosedWednesday, September 4 7:00 PM, Choir RehearsalThursday, September 5 9:30 AM, Gather to put the BPW Bldg back together Reminder Each week the sermon can be viewed on the St. John Methodist Church Facebook page as well as the website, MARK YOUR CALENDAR Third Tuesday of Each Month Ladies Meeting, Ed. Bldg.,11:00 AMFourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden…