June 2024 Newsletter

June 2024 Newsletter

A Good Bit of Nostalgia 

I remember sitting down at my desk three years ago and writing my first newsletter article introducing myself to a people I had yet to know. I remember feeling somewhat nervous because, quite honestly—I didn’t know what to write. Well, now I find myself in much of the same position—I’m sitting at my desk in the parsonage and I’m feeling quite nostalgic. I’m reminiscing over the past three years and here is the thing—instead of introducing myself—I’m writing to friends and Christian brothers and sisters who Evelyn and I have lived a shared life with in the deepest Christian sense. We have laughed together, we have celebrated and fellowshipped over many meals together, we have cried together and mourned together. We succeeded together and yes, we have even failed together, but in both our successes and failures—we have moved forward and endured much together. And let’s not forgot how much we have worshipped, prayed and communed together in the Holy presence of God. I just glanced over the sermon files that I preached/taught—and they add up to 120 sermons—that is a lot of Scripture and theology that we have grown together in—and I thank God for His blessing of allowing me to be a preacher/teacher to all of you. Most importantly, we have loved together, and that is the most beautiful blessing that you have shown to Evelyn and me. Thank you so much for your outpouring of love to us. We love you so much and we will miss you so much!

~Rev. Kendell Linh Healy & Evelyn Grace Healy