Thursday July 18th Announcements

Thursday July 18th Announcements

Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week.

Happening This Week

Tuesday, July 23 9:00 AM, United Methodist Men, maintain the church grounds
Wednesday, July 24 6:00 PM, Administrative Council Meeting, Educational Building; 7:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal

Mark Your Calendar

Third Tuesday of Each Month Ladies Meeting, Educational Building, 11:00 AM
Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets, 10:00 AM
Wednesdays Choir Practice, 7:00 PM
Sunday, August 18 3:00 PM, Charge Conference Training by Zoom for anyone responsible for completing charge conference forms

United Methodist Men
Tuesday, July 23, 9:00 AM
Come and help maintain
the church grounds!

Church Council
The Administrative Council will meet on
Wednesday, July 24th at 6:00 PM
in the Educational Building.

St. John Seniors will NOT meet in July
Our next meeting is:
Tuesday, August 13th at 12:00 noon
Everyone have a Great Summer!

Alert! Alert! Alert! For all you crafters out there, we will be having a craft show where you will be able to display your talents. The youth will be selling booths so get yourself ready and begin now preparing for the craft show. This will be in the Fall and more information will be coming soon!

The BP Building will be closed June and July 2024
We will continue the renovations of the BP Building during the months June and July. We ask everyone for their patience and prayers. We look forward to a successful completion and will keep you posted of the progress!
The Trustees of St. John

July 21, 2014
Order of Worship
Ephesians 2:11-22