Period of Discernment And 40 Days of Prayer

Period of Discernment And 40 Days of Prayer

Dear Members of St. John,

As you may be aware, many United Methodist Church (UMC) congregations throughout the United States have chosen to disaffiliate from the UMC starting in 2020. This notice advises our members of St. John’s status regarding the possible separation from the UMC.

On July 24, 2024, the St. John Church Council voted to enter into a period of discernment. The SC Conference defines the discernment period as “a process through which a local church can discern whether it will continue in ministry within the United Methodist Church or separate from the denomination.”

What does this mean?

During this discernment period, St. John will review the congregation’s decision to stay within the UMC or disaffiliate. During this time, our congregation will:

  • Participate in discussions, prayer, and reflection for the best path for us.
  • Assess all financial costs related to a potential separation from the UMC
  • Participate in an informational and discussion meeting.   Date to be announced.
  • How long is the discernment process? 40 days

During this discernment period, we ask that you have respect for our fellow Church Members and love them despite our differences.  We need to carefully consider our options and make the decision that is best for St. John of Graniteville.

Please reach out to Eldon Koch (361-765-3076) with any questions at this time.