Thursday August 15th Announcements

Thursday August 15th Announcements

Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week.

Happening This Week

Today 3:00 PM, Charge Conference Training by Zoom – Zoom meeting link
Tuesday, August 20 11:00 AM, Ladies Meeting, Ed. Bldg.
Wednesday, August 21 7:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal


Third Tuesday of Each Month Ladies Meeting, Ed. Bldg.,11:00 AM
Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at 10:00 AM
Wednesdays Choir Practice, 7:00 PM
Tuesday, August 27 United Methodist Men will meet at 9:00 AM to help maintain the church grounds

Tuesday, August 20th the Ladies will meet in the
Educational Building at 11:00 AM

The United Methodist Men
will meet on Tuesday, August 27th at 9:00 AM
to help maintain the church grounds.

Alert! Alert! Alert! For all you crafters out there, we will
be having a craft show where you will be able to display your
talents. The youth will be selling booths so get yourself ready
and begin now preparing for the craft show. This will be in the
Fall and more information will be coming soon!