Thursday January 30th Announcements

Thursday January 30th Announcements

Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week.

Happening This Week

Sunday, February 2 6:00 PM, Bible Study, Educational Bldg.

Wednesday, February 5 6:00 PM, Choir Rehearsal


Third Wednesday Ladies Meeting will meet at 10:00
AM, Educational Bldg.

Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at
10:00 AM

Wednesdays Choir Practice, 6:00 PM

Each Sunday 9:45 AM, Adult Sunday School,
Educational Bldg.

Sunday, February 2 6:00 PM, Bible Study, Educational

Tuesday, February 11 12:00 noon, St. John Seniors, BPW

Thursday, February 13 6:00 PM, Church Council Meeting,
Educational Bldg.

Wednesday, February 19 Ladies Meeting will meet at 10:00
AM, Educational Bldg.

February 2, 2024
Order of Worship

Luke 4:21-30