

February 2024 Newsletter

Are Christians Supposed to be Optimists? What an odd question to begin this month’s newsletter. But honestly, what is your answer to the above question -and- would you consider yourself to be an optimistic Christian? The reason why I’m asking the above question is because there is a lot of negative stuff going on in the world today (both near and far) that could cause anyone to embrace a doom and gloom outlook on life. However, Christians are not called…

January 2024 Newsletter

Through It All Well, here we are at the doorstep of 2024 and, once again, many of us are getting ready to put all the Christmas decorations away—that is, if you haven’t done so already. If you were present during the Christmas Eve worship, you may recall the portion in the sermon where I urged everyone to go deeper into the Christmas gift that we have received in Jesus the Christ. By deeper, I mean deeper into the Scripture through…

May 2023 Newsletter

We’re going to jump right into things this month: WoodCarving Group On April 10th, a new group was formed at Saint John — A Woodcarving Group hosted by Rusty Busbee. About 15 people gather together and Rusty instructed them how to carve crosses. The group has been a very big success and will be gathering regularly — so, be sure to check the calendar for future gatherings — the next one will be on May 8th. Here is write-up from…

August 2022 Newsletter

Introduction A Day of Worship or a Life of Worship? I think it’s safe to say that for most people, when they hear the word “worship,” they think of Sunday worship service. This makes sense because Sunday “worship” has been embedded into the Christian culture ever since the early church was formed, and yes—there is evidence in the New Testament that the Christians gathered for worship on Sunday, which they considered the Lord’s Day (1 Cor. 16:1-2; Rev. 1:10). The…

June 2022 Newsletter

The Joy of Saint John & The Heartbreak of God’s People During the last few days of every month, I take some time to mediate on what to write about for the upcoming monthly Saint John Newsletter. During my meditation, I reflect on recent events that are happening in the life of the church at Saint John, and I also reflect on what is going on in the world. I must say that when I think about Saint John and…

April 2022 Newsletter

SPRING TO LIFE!! Spring is notorious for new things—namely for its abundance of life. It is a time when God begins to redress His creation with blossoming flowers in the fields, the trees begin to show their leaves, and it’s as if God calls the birds in the sky to sing a new song that can be heard as the sun rises in the morning. Yes, Spring is certainly a beautiful time of year! However, for the Christian, the central…

March 2022 Newsletter

The Lenten Season—A Time of Preparation Just the other day, I noticed a few of the flower bulbs that Evelyn and I planted in the late fall began to sprout up from the ground, and I got the sense that Spring is nearing. On March 13th we will turn the clocks forward and although an hour of sleep will be lost, the days will become longer and Spring will finally be here on March 20th, as if we needed a calendar…