Journal (Page 5)
Thursday May 30th Announcements
Mark Your Calendar Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at10:00 AMMonday – Friday, June 3-7 9:00 – 12:00 Noon, VBS The BP Building will be closed June and July 2024 We will continue the renovations of the BP Building during the months June and July. We ask everyone for their patience and prayers. We look forward to a successful completion and will keep you posted of the progress! Sincerely,The Trustees of St. John St. John Seniors will…
Thursday May 23rd Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. Mark Your Calendar St. John Seniors will NOT meet in June or JulyOur next meeting is: Tuesday, August 13th at 12:00 noonEveryone have a Great Summer! VBSTheme: Camp FirelightMonday – Friday, June 3-7from 9:00 – 12 noon.Monday – Friday, June 3-7 A summer camp adventure with God! Where we learn ways to put your trust in God when you are afraid, challenged, or called to do God’s work and…
Thursday May 16th Announcements
Here are the announcements for the upcoming worship service and week. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Fourth Monday of Each Month Cereus Garden Club meets at 10:00 AM Every Sunday in May, Pastor Kendell will be teaching live sound operation for Sunday worship at 2:00 PM in the sanctuary Wednesday, April 24 – May 29 Pastor/Youth Confirmation Course at 6:00-7:00 PM Monday, May 27 Memorial Day, Office Closed Tuesday, May 28 9:00 AM, United Methodist Men, maintain the church grounds Monday –…
May 2024 Newsletter
HMMMM. . . What to Write? Ok, I admit, this is the fifth sixth time I have written something and then deleted it, which does happen to me more than I care to admit. In fact, it happens every time I sit down to write something. I want to write something memorable and profound. . . . . something that you can carry with you throughout the day—who knows? Maybe longer, right? But, this is the fifth sixth time that I have written something…
Children’s Choir from uganda
On April 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm, the Imani Milele Children’s Choir from Uganda, Africa, will be performing a free concert at St. James Lutheran Church, 200 Laurel Dr., Graniteville. The Imani Milele Choir is a voice for Uganda’s orphaned and vulnerable children. There is no admission fee for the concert, but a free-will offering will be taken to support this ministry. There will also be tables where memorabilia and music may be purchased and where information on sponsorships for…
April 2024 Newsletter
The Resurrection Life Can you believe that yesterday we celebrated Easter? This means that we are now in another season in the life of the Church. The Easter season lasts for fifty days and officially ends on Pentecost Sunday when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples of Jesus and ushered in the Church age, and just as we took the opportunity to open ourselves up for spiritual transformation during the season of Lent, I want to challenge all of…
March 2024 Newsletter
This Season of Lent Right now, we are in the season of Lent, which will draw to its end come Easter morning when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As a reminder, Lent is a time for spiritual reflection and, of course, spiritual transformation—both of which I hope you are engaging during this time. Let this be a time of prayer, Scripture, fasting (if you choose), worship and spiritual renewal. The following are Scripture passages that…
February 2024 Newsletter
Are Christians Supposed to be Optimists? What an odd question to begin this month’s newsletter. But honestly, what is your answer to the above question -and- would you consider yourself to be an optimistic Christian? The reason why I’m asking the above question is because there is a lot of negative stuff going on in the world today (both near and far) that could cause anyone to embrace a doom and gloom outlook on life. However, Christians are not called…
January 2024 Newsletter
Through It All Well, here we are at the doorstep of 2024 and, once again, many of us are getting ready to put all the Christmas decorations away—that is, if you haven’t done so already. If you were present during the Christmas Eve worship, you may recall the portion in the sermon where I urged everyone to go deeper into the Christmas gift that we have received in Jesus the Christ. By deeper, I mean deeper into the Scripture through…
December 2023 Newsletter
The Story of the Birth of Jesus the Christ Moments ago, I stepped outside and felt the chill in the morning air, which signaled the advent season that will begin this Sunday with the Hanging of the Greens worship service. The following Sunday will be filled with music that the Saint John choir has been preparing (December 10th) and on December 17th, the children will be leading the worship service. Of course, all of this is in preparation for the…
November 2023 Newsletter
Why Wait? Tell it Now! As Christians, we believe that the stories of the Bible are relevant to our everyday lives, and each year we celebrate the greatest story ever told, which, after thousands of years—is still relevant. That story begins with the birth of Jesus the Christ who God sent into this world not to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Now, more than ever, people need to know this story, and it needs to be…
October 2023 Newsletter
Let’s begin this month’s newsletter with a portion of Scripture from Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to fellowship, to breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke…