Upon arriving at St. John, you are going to notice several buildings/facilities on the property. The church building was originally built in 1846 and it is designed in the form of a cross. It is the building to the far left when looking from Gregg Street.
People typically begin gathering inside the building about 15-20 minutes prior to the worship service, which begins @ 11am. Like many churches, you will encounter people that know each other very well. The congregation is made up of a good mix of family and friends. Some were raised up at St. John while others have recently joined. I hope that you be greeted with a warm and loving welcome from the people there. If you see me (Pastor Kendell) – be sure to say hello! I try to make myself present during this time of gathering.
Upon entering the church building, the first thing I encourage you to do is take in your surroundings. Get a sense of the history of the place — you are now standing in a church space that is 175 years old as of this year! Imagine all the stories, sermons, hymns and prayers lifted up throughout St. John’s history. One of the oral traditions of St. John is its involvement in the Underground Railroad. The walls are two and a half feet thick and it is said that the slaves who were fleeing used to hide in the walls as a place of safety! Again, take a moment and just breathe St. John’s history in.
So, what is worship like? The worship services are traditional and last about an hour. The service begins after a very brief welcoming and some key announcements. After that, there is typically a call to worship followed by a praise hymn, which is followed by a creed – time of prayer – and then tithes and offerings are taken up (don’t worry – you don’t have to give – you are our guest!). After the offering, there is a children’s message followed by a Scripture reading and then the sermon, which is usually 15-20 min. in length. The sermon is followed by a response hymn and then the sending forth is given at the close of the service.
One important note is that in 1846 they didn’t build bathroom facilities into the church building. Trust me, once you are in the sanctuary — you will completely understand why – and you wouldn’t want there to be one. Knowingly, then, all of the other buildings on the property have bathroom facilities, which any of our members will be happy to show you.
One last thing, if you are wondering how people dress during a worship service at St. John. Perhaps the best way to explain it is “business casual.” I have seen some wear jeans and a shirt while others prefer something more “dressy.” Honestly, I think I’m the one that is always a bit over the top because I am comfortable wearing a suit of some sort or my vestments (clergy collar and robe). Yep! You’ll see me wearing that every now and then, but that’s just me. Seriously, just go with what you feel is appropriate for worshipping God (No pressure – haha – I couldn’t resist getting that in there). What I haven’t seen or heard of is anyone feeling uncomfortable for how they are comfortable dressing. So, you decide! We are just happy to have you as our special guest.
In a nutshell — the above is what you can expect. I do hope and pray that upon your visit, you will experience nothing but the best Christian welcome and love — all in the name of Christ.
~Rev. Kendell Healy