February 2022 Newsletter (Page 7)

February 2022 Newsletter (Page 7)


St. John Seniors

Tuesday, Feb. 8th at 12 noon — Covered Dish

We are excited to welcome The 902 Band” as our entertainment!!!

Please note:
We will be collecting yearly dues. $10.00 per person for the year. Please see Suzanne West to pay.

We will be Collecting Hand and/or Toe Warmers for Walking Tall Ministries to distribute to the Homeless to help keep their hands and feet warm this winter.

Note: The back gate will be open for those that wish to drive up and drop off food at kitchen door. Turn right on Taylor Street to access gate.

VBS 2022

June 13th — 17th
9am — 12 noon
Theme: Spark Studio

Kids will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us—His creation—to the design He planned for us. Kids will see the beautiful truth that they are God’s workmanship as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.

There will be snacks, arts and crafts, science projects, and on Friday, June 17th, a water slide with sno-cones and food.

Please contact Esther Timmerman if you can help in any way.

YARD SALE Announcement

Due to Covid spreading like wildfire. We must postpone our yard sale again from March to May, 2022. We don’t want to have to do this but it is in the best interest to keep everyone safe and well. Updates will be provided. We ask that all items that have been donated will remain in storage until we start working on the sale in the middle of April. Thank you ~Margaret Kneece

Other important dates:

  • Tuesday, February 1 — 6pm Admin. Council Meeting — Educational Building
  • Friday, February 4 — 10am “Trash Talk” BPW Building
  • Tuesday, February 8 — 12pm St. John Seniors, BPW Bldg. Covered Dish
  • Sunday, February 20, 2022 — Administrative Council Meeting
  • Monday, February 21, 2022 — 6:30pm United Methodist Men, BPW Bldg.

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