March 2022 Newsletter

March 2022 Newsletter

The Lenten Season—A Time of Preparation

Just the other day, I noticed a few of the flower bulbs that Evelyn and I planted in the late fall began to sprout up from the ground, and I got the sense that Spring is nearing. On March 13th we will turn the clocks forward and although an hour of sleep will be lost, the days will become longer and Spring will finally be here on March 20th, as if we needed a calendar to know that the seasons have changed. However, before any of this occurs, the Church will have entered into the season of Lenten, which begins on Ash Wednesday—March 2nd and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It is typically a time marked by prayer, Scripture, giving alms and self-discipline through fasting. Notably, these things should be the marks of a Christian in all times; however, during Lent—these things are heightened. Most of all, Lent is a time of preparation to celebrate the Easter Event. Therefore, let us all prepare together in anticipation for that wonderful Sunday morning when we will celebrate together. God Bless all of you!

In Christ,

Rev. Kendell Healy