February 2023 Newsletter

February 2023 Newsletter

Drawing Nearer to God

Here we are “again” in the month of February and I’m still trying to settle into 2023. I am realizing more and more that it is true that the older we get the faster time seems to go. In just three short weeks the Church will be entering into the Lenten season beginning with Ash Wednesday (the 1st day of Lent). During the time of Lent, Christians are called into deep spiritual reflection in preparation for Easter, which will be on April 9th. As we move nearer to the Lenten season, I want to encourage all of you to seek out ways that you can draw nearer to God. Perhaps it is through prayer, more time in Scripture, fellowship with others through sharing a meal together or by joining a small group. As your pastor, I am here to help guide you in drawing nearer to God. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

The following is a verse from the Hymn “Nearer, My God, to Thee.”

Nearer, my God to thee, Nearer to thee!
E’en though it be a cross that raiseth me,
Still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee;
Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to Thee!

Words by : Sarah F. Adams

God Bless You!

Rev. Kendell Healy