St. John Seniors
Tuesday, March 14th at 12:00 noon
BPW building for a Covered Dish “Pot Luck” Lunch
We will have special guest speakers:
Nicole Taylor & Michelle Guest with “South Carolina House Calls”
Kelly Campbell with “Agape Care of South Carolina”
With over 280 providers, SC House Calls Brings Home-Based primary care to the comfort of your home.
June 12th thru 16th
9:00 AM to 12 noon
Theme: Twists & Turns
Please contact Esther Timmermans if you can help in any way.
Donations now would be greatly appreciated as we plan and order the materials needed.
Thank you so much!
Yard Sale is May 6, 2023
Please contact Bobbie Jean Padgett when you need to bring items for the yard sale. Other questions, please contact Margaret Kneece.
Volunteers are needed to help get ready for the yard sale and the day of the yard sale.
- Friday, April 21 – Set up Tables in BPW Bldg
- Sunday, April 23 – Hot Dogs after church then bring yard sale items out of storage
- Monday April 24 – May 4 – Sorting items
- Wednesday May 3 – Last day to bring items
- Friday May 5 – BPW Bldg. Closed
- Saturday May 6 – Yard Sale
- Saturday May 6 – Pack up after yard sale
- Monday & Tuesday, May 8-9 – Have items picked up
If you are available to help anytime, please contact Margaret Kneece.