May 2023 Newsletter

May 2023 Newsletter

We’re going to jump right into things this month:

WoodCarving Group

On April 10th, a new group was formed at Saint John — A Woodcarving Group hosted by Rusty Busbee. About 15 people gather together and Rusty instructed them how to carve crosses. The group has been a very big success and will be gathering regularly — so, be sure to check the calendar for future gatherings — the next one will be on May 8th.

Here is write-up from Rusty – followed by some videos and pics.

Cutout, strops, diamond stone, v tool, u gouge, basswood, push cut, pull cut, stop cut, v cut and sharp knives were the topics at the April woodcarving workshop. 15 fellow church members counting instructors enjoyed fellowship and budding creativity. A comfort cross, and cowboy boots were the projects, successfully carved and finished with the special polish. Blood was seen only once on an ungloved hand, all fingers were accounted. 

Our next meeting will be May the 8th, starting at 6:30pm and ending at 8:30pm at the church. All are invited, must be least 12 years old. Everything will be provided including cut resistant gloves. 

Rusty Busbee