Monthly Newsletter (Page 4)

Monthly Newsletter (Page 4)

February 2022 Newsletter

Looking to God’s Plan for Saint John Last month, I wrote in the Newsletter article that “. . . we are now standing with the door of 2021 shut behind us asking the question: What lies ahead?” I believe that God is always desiring us to ask this question, and not just to ourselves, but of Him. In other words, we should be constantly looking to God to lead us into tomorrow. Why? because He has a divine plan and…

January 2022 Newsletter

Hello, within the next few months Saint John will be switching over to a new format for the monthly newsletter. Currently, we are using a pdf format; however, it is simply just a copy of the physical format that we send out as a mailer each month and is not intended for digital publishing. The new format will be more interactive and include: web links, video, and more photography, and searchable texts. In the meantime — we will continue to…