Past Events (Page 13)

Past Events (Page 13)

Aug 12, 2021

Out of Office appt.

Rev Healy in medical appt in Columbia – will be out of office until early afternoon.
Aug 10, 2021

St. John Seniors

Covered Dish “Pot Luck” Lunch! Please plan to join us for good food and fellowship! Our speaker will be Evelyn Healy who will share with us something about herself. We will be collecting 1/2 of dues for the year, which is $5 per person.
Aug 8, 2021

Fundraising lunch/Dinner

Our Ongoing Efforts There is just no way around it. Over the years we age, and so do our buildings. It is our responsibility to maintain them for our current congregation and for future generations. As part of our ongoing effort for renovations and to enhance our church community, we are grateful we can finally start hosting our fundraising dinners. The fellowship at these dinners has been greatly missed! We are blessed to have an in house cook! Vicky Durden.…