September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” ~Ezekiel 47:12 (NIV)

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Fruit Bearing Christians

The above Scripture uses metaphor (symbols) that are intended to remind the reader of a future tree of life similar to the one in the Garden of Eden. However, it is not just speaking about a literal tree that bears fruit but a symbolic tree that represents God and His people. Think of it this way: The tree itself is a symbol for the life-giving breath of God while the leaves represent God’s people. Lastly, the fruit that is produced from the leaves represents the deeds (righteous acts) of the people. Take a moment and read through it again with these things in mind—and I’m quite sure that this Scripture verse will spring to life right before your eyes. 

I included the above Scripture because I believe that Saint John is now producing the fruit that God desires for His people to bring forth. This past Sunday, on August 28th, Saint John held a laity led worship service. In place of the sermon, five lay servants informed the congregation of all the budding ministries that were happening at Saint John. Notably, this past year has brought forth a choir, a fresh beginning in children/youth ministry, a prayer shawl ministry, and small group Bible studies that are meeting both on the church property as well as in the homes of those involved. These small groups are integral to the life of the church, and they are intended to keep us growing closer to God and each other.

I want to encourage all of you to consider creating small groups amongst yourselves (about six per group) and meet regularly (twice a month) either at the church or in each other’s homes. One of the groups I belong to gathers around a simple meal twice a month and during the dinner, we converse about our own lives and then move into a topic based on a Scripture passage. If you would like any help in starting a small group, let me or Evelyn know! May God bless all of you as you discover new ways to be fruit-bearing Christians for God. 

~Rev. Kendell Linh Healy