September 2022 Newsletter (Page 2)

September 2022 Newsletter (Page 2)

Mark Your Calendar

  • Wednesdays: Choir practice 7-8pm when we have Bible study
  • First Three Wednesdays of Every Month: 6-7pm Bible study with Pastor Kendell
  • Third Monday of Each Month: UMMen meet at 6:30pm BPW Bldg.

Thursday, September 1: MVJV Spaghetti Dinner

Sunday, September 4: Children/Youth gathering 5-6pm — Darby Bldg.

Saint John Children/Youth Group

What is A Methodist?

Sunday, September 18th: Membership Inquiry
Following the worship service in the Education Building.

St. John Seniors will meet Tuesday September 13th at 12 noon.

Covered Dish

We are excited to have a special guest speaker — Mr. Larry Flanagan. Larry is a “Roadrunner” for Shriners Hospital and will share his story as a volunteer for the hospital.

Please plan to join us for good food & fellowship!
It is Great to be Together!!!

Sat.—Sun. September 24-25

A sign-up sheet with time slots will be available in the Sanctuary.